The trend of DeepLearing is written in the following article.
●10 Deep Learning Trends and Predictions for 2017
●Deep Learning: The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Randomness
I am paying attention to "meta-leraning" in the article.
----Below, excerpts of articles----
The first is the mind boggling discovery that you can train a neural network to learn to learn (i.e. meta-learning). More specifically, several research groups have trained neural networks to perform stochastic gradient descent (SGD). Not only have they been able to demonstrate neural networks that have learned SGD, the networks have performed better than any hand tuned human method! The two papers that were submitted were”Deep Reinforcement Learning for Accelerating the Convergence Rate” and “Optimization as a Model for Few-Shot Learning” . Unfortunately though, these two groups have been previously scooped by Deep Mind, who showed that you could do this in this paper “Learning to Learn by gradient descent by gradient descent“. The two latter papers trained an LSTM, while the first one trained via RL. I had thought that it would take a bit longer to implement meta-learning, but it has arrived much sooner than I had expected!
DeepLearning: Learning to Learn(meta-learning)
$ sudo apt install fd-find $ fdfind 石
$ sudo apt install fd-find $ fdfind 石
$ wasm-pack build --target www $ cd www $ npm install $ npm run start $ npm run build